Press Release: 60th Anniversary of the establishment of Diplomatic Relations between Nepal & Japan

His Excellency Mr. Nobuo Kishi, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of Japan arrived in Nepal on 30 August 2016 leading a delegation to attend the commemorative programme organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Nepal to celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Nepal and Japan.

The visiting State Minister for Foreign Affairs paid a courtesy call on the Rt. Hon’ble Mrs. Bidya Devi Bhandari, President of Nepal at SheetalNiwas this afternoon. Similarly, he also called on the Rt. Hon’ble Prime Minister Mr. Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’ at his Office Singhdurbar earlier this morning.

The Prime Minister handed over his congratulatory message addressed to the Prime Minister of Japan His Excellency Mr. Shinzo Abe on this happy occasion and State Minister Kishi also handed over the message of the Prime Minister of Japan to the Rt. Hon. Prime Minister.

In his message, Prime Minister Dahal congratulated the Government and People of Japan. Referring to the ever growing friendship and cooperation between Nepal and Japan, Prime Minister expressed the desire of the Government of Nepal to further deepen and widen bilateral relations by cultivating wider economic engagements in the areas of trade, tourism, investment etc. In his message, Prime Minister Abe expressed his happiness on the excellent state of cordial relationship between Nepal and Japan in the past six decades. Reiterating the support of the Government of Japan in the development of economic infrastructures and reconstruction of Nepal after the earthquake disaster, the Prime Minister of Japan also conveyed the desire of the Government of Japan to work together with the Government of Nepal to expand and step up cooperation in the field of socio-economic development, as well as in trade and investment between the two countries.

Earlier in the morning, State Minister Kishi also called on the Hon’ble Mr. Prakash SharanMahat, Minister for Foreign Affairs at his Office, Singhadurbar. During the meeting matters of bilateral cooperation and mutual interests were reviewed. The twosides also shared views on how these relations could be taken forward by seizing the opportunities available in both countries. Foreign Minister Dr. Mahat appreciated the unconditional support of the Government of Japan to the socio-economic development of Nepal. State Minister Kishi handed over the message of congratulation from His Excellency Mr. Fumio Kishida, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan addressed to Hon’ble Dr. Prakash SharanMahat on his appointment as the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Nepal. Extending his best wishes to Hon’ble Dr. Mahat, Foreign Minister Kishida has expressed his willingness to work together to further develop cordial relations between Nepal and Japan.

In the morning, State Minister Kishi attended the signing ceremony of the Exchange of Notes of the Grant Aid under Japan Overseas Development Assistance for two new projects- Improvement of Aviation Safety Facilities in Major Airports of Nepal and School Sector Development Program to the sum of approx. $ 15 million and $ 3 million respectively at the Ministry of Finance. The Notes were signed and exchanged by Mr. LokDarshanRegmi, Secretary at the Ministry of Finance and H.E. Mr. Masashi Ogawa, Ambassador of Japan to Nepal. The signing ceremony was witnessed by Hon’ble Mr. Krishna BahadurMahara, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance and H.E. Mr. Nobuo Kishi, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of Japan.

The commemorative event is scheduled to be held tomorrow at Hyatt Regency Hotel, Kathmandu at the gracious presence of the Rt. Hon’ble Prime Minister.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Kathmandu, Nepal

31 August 2016